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2021-22 Classroom Grant Requests

Classroom grants are innovative learning programs developed by Johnston teachers that need funding assistance from the Johnston community. These programs may be designed to introduce robotics or metal working into a classroom, provide band instruments to families in need or provide special tools to help enhance math or reading skills.


We need your help to fund several grants within your local school.


Following is a list of the classroom grant requests for the 2018-2019 school year. To make a donation, please click on the donate button or contact Jene Spurgin with the Foundation at







Every donation – no matter the amount – will help fund a grant and bring an innovative learning opportunity to your school.


High School


Adapted Swing - The special education team at the Johnston High School would like to develop an outdoor recreation area and classroom for students with disabilities. Funding will help the teachers purchase two adult adapted swings for the recreation area. This investment will provide students with disabilities with an opportunity to enjoy leisure activities, while building confidence and independence.

Grant request: $8,200.


Film Photography - Film photography is a is a unique art form in our digital world ... in many ways its becoming a lost art form. The high school art department has six film cameras, yet more than 90 students are involved in the film photography class. The art department is asking for funding to help purchase 12 new film cameras for the students. The additional camera will allow students more time with the cameras to practice their photography skills.

Grant request: $1,800


Photography Lighting - The number of students taking photography classes at the high school continues to grow. Currently the art department does not have any photography lights and backdrops to help student develop their photography and lighting skills. This grant request will allow the art department to purchase up to 20 different types of photography lights and eight photography backdrops to help our students develop their photography skills.

Grant request: $5,500


Illustration Tablets - The number of student involved in the art department design classes continues to grow. Currently 75 students take the Design 1 and Design 2 classes. By adding pressure-sensitive drawing tablets to the classroom work, students will have an opportunity to experience graphic design work in a real-world setting, helping to prepare them for the technology used in college.

Grant request: $6,300


Stepping Toward Success - The Stepping Towards Success program annually recognizes high school students who have overcome obstacles to achieve academic, behavior and attendance success. The program would allow the high school to host a recognition program for these students and two family members. It's an opportunity to celebrate their hard work while overcoming obstacles.

Grant request: $700



Middle School


Special Education Outdoor Recreation - The special education team at the Johnston Middle School would like to develop an outdoor recreation area and classroom for students with special needs. Funding will help the teachers purchase astro turf for the recreation area, an adapted swing and glider bench. This investment will provide special needs students with an opportunity to enjoy leisure activities, while building confidence and independence.

Grant request: $1,300.





Ukuleles - The elementary music teachers would like to provide an opportunity for all 5th students in the district to learn to play a string instrument. This grant will allow the Foundation and Johnston elementary music department to purchase 150 ukuleles, tuners and storage cabinets, along with instructional music books. Fifth grade students would have the opportunity to experience playing a string instrument and plant the seed for future music experiences.

Grant request: $10,000.


Big Life Journal - Many students have limited confidence and a low self-esteem. The Big Life Journal project combines reading, writing, and critical thinking while teaching social and emotional learning. Students will set attainable goals, track progress and celebrate success. By building student self confidence we can help them to dream big, enhance their academic growth and prepare them to tackle everyday challenges.

Grant request: $3,200.


Classroom Stage and Microphone - Horizon Elementary is requesting funds to help 1st grade students develop confidence when sharing their ideas and thoughts with classmates during the Animated Storytelling instructional time.

Grant request: $450.













April Wilson

Board Secretary

(641) 990-9183


Mailing Address - Please Use

​Johnston Community School Foundation
P.O. Box 1185, Johnston, IA 50131


Registered Physical Address

​Johnston Community School Foundation
9103 Stratton Drive, Johnston, IA 50131




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