A public education is free.
An extraordinary education is not.
Help us provide an extraordinary education by giving today.
Your gift to Johnston Community School Foundation is an investment in both our
children's future and the future of our community.
Flexible Funds
A flexible gift allows the Johnston Community School Foundation to direct funds to the most pressing needs - classroom grant requests, Big Idea projects, scholarships, foundation operating expenses, or building the foundation's endowment.
Lasting Legacy
A gift directed to the Johnston Community School Foundation Endow Iowa Fund provides you with additional tax benefits and will provide earnings to be used to support educational excellence in Johnston for generations to come.​
Click here to learn more about Endow Iowa Tax Credits.
Through your generosity, we will...
- Fund large scale INNOVATION driven by Johnston Community School District leadership
- SUPPORT teacher's individual needs through our Classroom Grant Program
- Ensure our schools continue to DREAM of the next big idea in excellent education
The Johnston Community School Foundation thanks you for your generous partnership and support!